Hypnotherapy for self-doubt
Self-confidence is such an important belief to have. Without it, you feel unsure and anxious.
You become prey to your own negative self-talk and believe the unhelpful words you're saying to yourself. In effect, you practice your own negative self-hypnosis.
Self-doubt takes over. You persuade yourself that it won’t work, that you’re not good enough. You believe the catastrophic scenarios you act out in your mind.
If you do manage to act, you’re extremely self-conscious and believe that everyone is judging you.
You become stuck in a cycle of being anxious before an event, uncomfortable and agitated during it, and ruminating about what went wrong afterwards.
Here are some general situations where low self-confidence can affect you. Do you recognise yourself?
Walking into a room of new people can be difficult
The thought of speaking in a meeting can make you feel nervous and agitated
You have sleepless nights before a work presentation
You believe you’re not capable and an impostor
You don’t go for the job, change career because you’re sure it’s going to fail
You constantly worry about what people are thinking and saying about you
How Cognitive Behavioural hypnotherapy can help you regain confidence
Self-confidence is a core belief and strength to claim back. We're all born confident! Just think of small children learning to walk or talk. They try again and again, they believe they can do it and that other people are there to help and encourage them.
Now imagine a life where you can not only regain but also strengthen your self-confidence! Where your central core belief in yourself means you can live the full life you want. Taking opportunities, doing new things, putting yourself out there!
Whether your low confidence is due to recent events in your life or has been around longer, cognitive-behavioural hypnotherapy can help you.
During our sessions, you’ll discover and practice a toolbox of life-changing coping skills.
Learn to relax quickly and effectively
Recognise and challenge your negative thoughts and create strong positive cognitions and feelings
Repupose past negative experiences and use them as a learning tool
Rehearse new coping skills using hypnosis
Install new positive suggestions and beliefs in your mind while in a deep state of hypnotic relaxation
Imagine a life where you can be the self-confident person you want to be! Live the life you want and not the life you settle for!
Alternative therapy provider
Fritha (Switzerland)
I feel much more in control and confident in my feelings and reactions to things each day. I don’t doubt myself and have more confidence that it is okay to do what I am doing. I feel more in control in a healthy way. I’m able to remove myself from a situation or thought and see if my response is rational, but then believe my conclusion and move on. I actually think I feel happier.
Thank you Morag for supporting me through a wobbly phase. I found the hypnotherapy very helpful. Your approach is calm and positive and containing. It's so nice to have someone really listen and I thank you for that. I found the exercises really useful and they provided me with a clear positive direction to move in, whilst managing some difficult feelings.I feel I have received a very personalised service, delivered with real care. I would recommend Morag to anyone who needs some support.
Lydia Gianetti (UK)
There are so many resources I now have access to, to use as and when I need them, and which have provided great insight into what is happening for me in the moment. I have a calmer and more confident approach to things now, and can draw on some of the resources in my everyday life. Thank you Morag,