Habits are behaviours that you have picked up at some point and, for whatever reason, you just can’t seem to stop. You usually engage in these compulsive behaviours when you're overstimulated: anxious, stressed, overwhelmed, frustrated or understimulated: tired or bored.
Whatever your particular habit, the same cycle repeats itself endlessly.
Something triggers you, either an internal state of mind or an event or situation in your day. It could be for example when you're bored, not quite sure what to do next, tired, trying to reflect on a problem at work, getting to sleep, relaxing on the sofa in the evening, driving your car, scrolling on your phone.
Your habit produces a moment of pleasure, release, and self-absorption.
You then regret, feel guilty, observe the damage and feel powerless to stop the cycle starting again.
Your self-confidence takes a blow as you just can’t seem to stop yourself. Periods of stress and anxiety in your life can increase the frequency of the habit. You've tried various solutions to try and stop yourself but nothing seems to work for more than a few days at most.
You believe that your habit is stronger than you, that it’s automatic and out of your control.
The good news is that just as habits or compulsive behviours are learned, they can be unlearned. Even if you have had your habit for many years. You don’t have to resign yourself to it being inevitable and for life.
Some nervous physical habits that I have helped people overcome include nail biting, bruxism, cheek chewing...
I have created specific programmes for trichotillomania (hair-pulling) and dermotillomania/excoriation disorder (skin-picking).
How cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy can help you stop your compulsive habit
I use a powerful and effective habit reversal technique
together with relaxation techniques, mindfulness and cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy to help you gain control
Not only do the telltale signs of your habit disappear, you also discover the unique power of your mind and imagination to overcome difficulties.
This regained self-confidence often spills over into other areas of your life.
During our sessions, you’ll learn how to :
Relax your mind and body completely. As nervous habits are often full of mental and physical tension, this is an important first step.
We then unpack your habit completely, analyzing in detail your thoughts, feelings, and actions just before, during the habit itself, and then after. The awareness of what is happening is often quite eye-opening for you as your rational mind explores and understands this almost instinctive behaviour
Strong coping statements, confidence-building, and alternative actions are practiced using hypnotherapy both in the sessions and self-hypnosis at home.
Just imagine the freedom when you don't do that anymore!